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Have you ever asked yourself what is Quorn? Quorn® has a great taste and texture that’s great for those following a plant-based diet or flexitarians looking to reduce their meat consumption and eat in a simple, healthy and environmentally conscious way. But how is it made and what does it contain?
Quorn® has a great taste and texture that’s great for those following a plant-based diet or flexitarians looking to reduce their meat consumption and eat in a simple, healthy and environmentally conscious way. But how is it made and what does it contain?
The main ingredient in all Quorn products is Quorn mycoprotein, a naturally sourced meat-free super protein that is high in fiber, soy-free and non-GMO. Quorn mycoprotein helps Quorn products deliver a great meat-like texture, perfect for cooking any of your favorite recipes.
The story of Quorn begins over 50 years ago, when British visionary J. Arthur Rank predicted that the world would one day run out of protein supply. He knew conventional sources would be unable to support the demands of our expanding population.
And he was right. By the year 2100, scientists estimate there will be nearly 11 billion people on this planet whose mouths need feeding. So how do we source the protein to feed future generations?
Meat is usually most people’s main source of protein. But meat production is hard on our environment, and the access and availability of land required to raise it will continue to diminish.1 2 In addition to the increasing demand, types of meat such as beef have been found to lead to potential health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.3 4
Solving these problems requires us to change the way we think about protein. It requires sustainable sources of protein that can replicate the great taste of meat and offer people greater choice and variety – while being better for our environment.
Quorn is a revolutionary food brand which dreams big. Our products offer a delicious alternative protein source that is more sustainable than meat 5 and we have sold nearly 6 billion meals since 1985 in over 20 countries. Our foods are non-genetically modified (non-GMO) and many are high in fiber and low in saturated fat, too.
We make a wide range of great tasting foods that are easy to prepare and incorporate into everyday meals. All of our products are loaded with nutritional value and contain the same essential amino acids found in meat. And the sustainable way we source our protein minimizes our environmental footprint.
Delivering nutritious, sustainable food products is what we do at Quorn every day. And we hope you’ll join us, as we endeavor to change the way we think about the food we eat, for the benefit of the world we all share.
We’re not just any ordinary food company – our products contain innovative ingredients that help millions of people live more sustainable lives.
What is Quorn? Find out in this short YouTube video.
1 Poore & Nemecek 2018 - https://science.sciencemag.org/content/360/6392/987/
2 FAO 2012 - http://www.fao.org/3/ar591e/ar591e.pdf
3 Northwestern University 2020 - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/02/200203114328.htm
4 Duke-NUS Medical School 2017 - https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/09/170905134506.htm
5 Quorn Nutrition 2020 - https://www.quornnutrition.com/health-topics/sustainable-nutrition
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